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Learning Disability Awareness Month

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October is learning disability awareness month.>

People who are living with learning disabilities have the extra burden of a non-visible impairment. More often than not, people with learning disabilities and their families have to make those around them aware in order to get the supports they need to succeed. This sometimes leads to being labeled as an underachiever or worst. However, by definition learning disabilities occur in people of average to above average intelligence. What this means is that a learning disability is not a barrier to success, just a different path is needed to arrive at the same outcome. There are many famous, successful people who had or have learning disabilities including Albert Einstein, Alexander Graham Bell, Thomas Edison, Richard Branson, John Lennon, Robin Williams, Tom Cruise and Mozart to name but a few.

Learning disabilities impact certain skills, most of which can be improved with the proper supports in order to achieve success. Because learning disabilities are usually exhibited in the school system, those with learning disabilities can be identified early in life and the appropriate support can be implemented to improve confidence and ability. When someone with a learning disability does not receive the appropriate support and guidance, individuals with learning disabilities have higher than average rates of dropping out of school, unemployment and poverty. Many parents rely on the school system for the educational assessments that will diagnose and identify a learning disability. Unfortunately the school systems are overburdened and the waiting list can literally take years. One alternative is to contact a Learning Disability Association to seek support and assistance. There is an extensive network of chapters across Canada all of which are registered charities dedicated to improving the lives of children, youth and adults with learning disabilities. Another alternative is to have your child privately assessed by a psychologist which can be quite costly. One way to ease the financial burden of these and other costs associated with having a learning disability is to apply for the Disability Tax Credit. If the person with the learning disability is granted the disability credit, the result can be significant additional tax refunds and a supplement to the CCTB (baby bonus). For more information on the benefits of the disability tax credit and how we can help please refer to our web site or contact us directly at 877-895-5186 .

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